Joy of Life Yoga and Creativity
New Year, New You Refocus
Retreat Schedule
January 21-28, 2022
~ Pacific Gold Coast, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Los Altos de Eros -
Exact Itinerary and Prices coming soon!
Following is an example...
Get Lost and Find Yourself in Costa Rica
by Refocusing your Intentions
and Discover how Joy is your Natural State of Being
We invite you to spend 8 days/7 nights and discover the absolute sweetness and wildness of Costa Rica as we explore...
Joy, Beauty, Fearlessness, Inspiration, Meaning, and Wellness
and how to Integrate it all into your everyday Joyful Life
and the
the Power of Mother Nature as we Nurture Ourself

The following is your custom curated
New Year, New You Refocus retreat schedule
at the beautiful Los Altos de Eros Boutique Hotel and Spa...
Note: Weather or other scheduling may cause us to change the order or substitute

Friday, Day 1
Joyful Arrival Day
Theme: Joy
Welcome to your Beautiful Refocus Retreat Center for the week!
Arrival, Check-in, Unpack, Rest
Orientation, Introductions, Intro to Journaling and Intention Setting with Tanya
Opening Joyful Cocoa Ceremony with Marian
(please no food or drinks 2 hours before)
Welcome Joyful Dinner to Reset our Bodies from Traveling
Free Evening to continue getting to know each other and settling in
Dinner on Property

Saturday, Day 2
How to Truly See the Beauty Around Us
Theme: Explore
Morning Beautiful Yoga and Altar Building
(with items brought from home)
Off-property Exploration to Tamarindo Organic Farmer's Market
To gather items needed for cooking class (tomorrow night’s dinner), personal shop at the market
Lunch on the Beach
(Lunch Not Included: Pay individually)
Visit a Pottery Studio, Jewelry Shop, Art Studio
Sunset Drinks and Appetizers at Witch’s Rock Surf Camp
(Sunset Drinks/Appetizers Not Included: Pay individually)
Evening Journal Activity = Practice Seeing what is Beautiful Around Us
Beautiful Evening Meditation
Come back to center, observation of day, integration of beauty, mindfulness, reset senses for a beautiful night of sleep
Breakfast and Dinner on Property
Lunch off property (pay individually)

Sunday, Day 3
The Joy of Being Fearless
Theme: Fearless
Fearless Chanting Circle and Yoga Session
Fearless Art Making Exercises with Mark-Making Prompts
Off-site Fearless Activity: Visit Local Zip Line
Fearless Cooking Class Demonstration and Dinner
Restorative Fearless Meditation Practice
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Property

Monday, Day 4
The Power of Nature as Inspiration for your Intuition
Theme: Inspiration
Morning Inspirational Yoga and Walking Meditation on the Beach
Inspiration collecting around property in journals and in Bags
Intuitive Art is all about connecting with your creative intuition and allowing it to guide you through the process of creating art. It's about self discovery and renewal through a spontaneous, fearless approach to art. It's about playing with paint in a safe environment, free from evaluation or comparison.
Free Afternoon, Rest, Read, Journal, Swim, Sun, Nap….your choice!
Optional: Make advance reservations for massage appointments, Mani-pedi’s
Learn how to make Eco Dyes and Eco Prints
Evening Inspirational Full Moon/Moon Cycle Ceremony
Breakfast, Lunch, and Diner on Property

Tuesday, Day 5
Learning to Appreciate the Meaning of your Joy
Theme: Meaningful
Meaningful Yoga and Natural Mandala Ceremony with Collected Items
Introduction of the power of Mandalas and their Meaning Journaling
A mandala is a symbol of the universe and most mandalas have colorful, detailed geometric patterns or designs. The word mandala itself simply means "circle" in Sanskrit.
Free Time, Rest, Read, Journal, swim, sun, nap….your choice!
Make advance optional massage appointments, make mani-pedi appointments,
Excursion to beautiful La Senda
Meaningful Meditation Walk thru the Double Labyrinth and Paint Mandalas in the center
Dinner at La Senda under the Stars by Candlelight
Breakfast and Lunch on Property
Dinner at La Senda (included)

Wednesday, Day 6
The Power of Intuition on our Wellness
Theme: Wellness
Wellness Yoga and Meditation
Cooking Class on how to make traditional Gallo Pinto
The Power of Creativity on our Wellness
Wellness Sail and Sunset Dinner on boat
Free Evening
Option to go into town to go dancing or listen to music
(price of taxi and drinks not included)
Breakfast and Lunch on Property
Dinner on Sailboat (included)

Thursday, Day 7
Final Full Day Integration and Closing Ceremonies
Theme: Integration
Morning Integration Yoga and Meditation
Integration of all Creative Skills with Group Creative Activity
Journal Making and Sharing Circle
Travel to the Beach for the last sunset, Integration Yoga, Beach Bon Fire
Closing Dinner
Closing Integration Meditation Under the Stars
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Property

Friday, Day 8
Joyful Full Circle Departure Day
Theme: Joy
Morning Joyful Yoga and Meditation
Joyful Altar Unbuilding
Departures begin
Breakfast on Property

Marian and Tanya will provide a path and framework for
your yoga and meditation practice, creativity, art-making,
dreams, and unrealized gifts and aspirations…
They will open your doors to a JOY filled life