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Family First Art Program

Starting January 2022!

Your kids are growing and changing

and the time suddenly feels fleeting...


The Family First Art Program

will help you stay connected as a family

help build lasting memories,

keep siblings connected,

keep the parents connected,

and families united.  

Think Paint Night for Families!

Just like how sitting next to each other in the car is best for talking it out,

sitting next to each other creating art can bring smiles, laughs, and new conversations!  


Being together without screens

emphasizes the importance of family

and creates family fun

that many with growing children have started to see slip away

as screens and peers become their focus 

So, set aside some time each week

or each month

for each other

and keep that family bond strong!

As a member of the Family First Art Program,

you will receive a monthly art project that you can do together as a family.  


What's included:

Tips and tricks to make it fun for all ages

Supply list

Demonstration Video

or use the 

PDF with project steps

Support and advice from your creative guide


Art to hang on your walls! 


There will also be a private Facebook community

to speak with other families on the same journey from all over the world...

yep, we all are struggling with tweens, teens, family dynamics,

too much screen time, and time flying by at the speed of light...

Let's support each other!

Family First can be utilized in so many combinations

to keep everyone connected.  

Here are just a few scenarios for you to be creative with those in your life:

1.  Family

2. Siblings

3. Date Night activity for parents

4.  Zoom with grandparents or other friends and family you are missing and do a project together

5.  Stay connected to those off at boarding school, college, or living elsewhere

6.  Mother-Daughter/son

7.  Father-Daughter/Son

8.  Perfect activity to do on a playdate or sleepover

9.  Perfect for a birthday party activity

10.  Heck, this is also perfect for a Girl's Art and Wine Night

And these projects can be re-created over and over

cause each time the results will be different

and you will own the lessons as long as you are a member...

just like your kids will be yours forever and ever.

And don't worry if not everyone feels that art is their thing...

that is not the point...

the point is to be together.


Making art together that can be hung in your home will build



empathy for others who may be struggling with confidence

learners will become teachers

laughs will be shared

memories will be made

and there will be a joint pride in the progress everyone is making.  


You will be so happy you invested

in the happiness of your family

Family First Success Path.png

Thanks for submitting!

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